What are the Latest Technology Hair Transplant Methods?
There are many options among the cutting-edge hair transplantation methods. Developing technology has enabled easier and painless alternatives to replace old methods. When you want to examine the historical development of hair transplantation, it is possible to go back to the 1930s. However, the basis for the methods used today was laid in the 1980s.
The first traces of the options, which are among the cutting-edge hair transplantation methods, appear in the 1980s. In the 1980s, micro and mini graft applications are made. Over time, more grafts begin to be applied in one session. At first, the small number of grafts that could be added in a single session caused the procedure to take longer.
Even if the latest technology methods are in question, the experience of the physician is the most important factor that increases the success in hair transplantation. Therefore, you must make the right choice.
Which is the Best Hair Transplant Method?
The best hair transplantation method is different for everyone. Each method differs from each other in terms of cost. At the same time, it is also important which method the patient’s physiological state is suitable for. Although there are many alternatives, not every method can be applied by every physician. Physicians often prefer to specialize in a particular method.
There are many alternatives among the types of hair transplantation. The most preferred one among these alternatives is the FUE method. An older and more traditional method, FUT, is still preferred. In the FUT method, a line-shaped piece is taken from the nape of the neck and the grafts are collected in one go. In this method, the possibility of leaving scars is quite high. For this reason, it is not as popular as it used to be. People prefer to turn to methods that do not spoil the aesthetic image.
What is the Latest Technology in Hair Transplantation?
The latest technology in hair transplantation offers you the opportunity to choose from different methods. Latest technology methods; pain makes it possible to transplant without pain. At the same time, there are methods that provide serious results even in a single session. However, each method has a different chance of success.
Hair transplantation with DHI is different from other methods in terms of the tool used during the application. During the implementation of this method, a pen called choi is used. The feature of the mentioned item is that it can start transplanting without waiting after collecting the grafts.
DHI can be shown as one of the most advanced hair transplantation methods. With the DHI method, sowing is completed in a single session and within 8-10 hours. Another advantage of this method is that hair transplantation can be performed without shaving. However, in cases where the number of grafts is too large, shaving may be necessary.
FUE method is one of the commonly used techniques. In this technique, the grafts are taken one by one from the neck. The area to be transplanted is anesthetized and made suitable for the procedure. There is no incision or suture during the procedure. In about a year, permanent hair appears clearly. This method can also be applied without shaving.
The DHI method is also referred to as Choi by some physicians. Choi is the name of the pen used during the process. This pen has the ability to collect multiple grafts at the same time. This method is also called pencil hair transplantation.
PRP Supported Hair Transplantation
PRP-assisted hair transplantation is actually the service of carrying out the hair transplantation together with the supportive treatment. Plasma containing platelets, which is separated from the individual’s own blood, is applied to the hair follicles by PRP method. In this method, first hair transplantation is performed. Then PRP is used to accelerate the healing process. You can also choose this PRP-supported application, which is among the cutting-edge hair transplant methods.
Motorized and Manual Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation methods are separated from each other as manual and motorized. In the FUE method, the grafts are taken more quickly if the micromotor is processed. However, grafts are collected more slowly in the manual method. This results in an increase in the number of sessions. Motorized method may cost more, but the treatment is completed in a short time.
Golden Tip Hair Transplantation
Gold tip hair transplant is actually one of the FUE techniques. In this technique, gold-tipped and disposable needles are used. These needles provide advantage at the point of recovery. Needles that provide faster healing are also beneficial in terms of not damaging the grafts. Thanks to the very thin and small tip structure, scarring does not occur. The solution in which the grafts are kept during the procedure strengthens the root structure.
Long Hair FUE Hair Transplant
During long hair FUE hair transplantation, the hair can be operated without shaving. This method is preferred by women especially. Men who do not want to cut their hair can also have hair transplantation with this method.
Needle-Free Hair Transplantation
Needle-free hair transplantation method is especially ideal for those who are afraid of needles. In this method, no needle is used during local anesthesia. Implant or laser methods are applied during transplantation.
Stem Cell Hair Transplantation
In the stem cell hair transplantation process, a healthy tissue is taken from the patient and multiplied. It is possible to reach millions of cells by multiplying a single cell in the laboratory. This process is completed by transferring the healthy cells produced to the scalp.
IceGraft Hair Transplant
In Icecraft hair transplantation method, transplantation is performed with cold application. The grafts are kept in cold pads. Then it is transferred to the solution which has a cold structure. In this way, cells and tissues continue to maintain their vitality. This method can be used by anyone.
Can Unshaved Hair Transplantation Be Done?
Unshaven hair transplantation is possible for some methods. In methods such as FUE, gold needle, hair can be transplanted without shaving. However, this is not always possible.
If the number of grafts is too high, shaving may be necessary. At this point the decision is made by the doctor. It may also be necessary to shave to increase the chances of success of the procedure. For this reason, it is always beneficial to trust your doctor. By choosing the appropriate one among the cutting-edge hair transplantation methods, you can have transplantation without shaving if your doctor deems it appropriate.

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